Wednesday, September 11, 2019

Fighting Violent Religious through Self-Governance and Economic Research Paper

Fighting Violent Religious through Self-Governance and Economic - Research Paper Example Both air and ground bombardments of the extremist groups and toppling of the extremist regimes like the previous Saddam Hussein government have failed in ending religious extremist violence. This paper will discuss the origins of the extremist groups and offer solutions to ending religious extremist violence (James and Mason 10). II. Background and history of religious extremism Unlike the popular beliefs, religious extremism and violence is not an element of any religion. Although Islam religion has Jihad, the religion prohibits the use of violence and terrorism. The root cause of religious extremism is false radical doctrines that cause frustration and anger among the extremists. Religious extremist groups are willing to use violence to maintain the status quo. Unfortunately, America has numerous hate groups and religious extremists that are always willing to use violence to achieve their terrorism objectives. Religious extremist groups make powerful denunciation of people with dif ferent lifestyles and dehumanize the non-believers in their religion. These groups make idealizations of past eras and devalue the events of the world since they intensely focus on life after death. These groups try to maintain the traditional roles of women and use violence to those who disagree with their beliefs. One common belief of all religions is the purpose of preservation of human life and living according to the will of God. Islam is committed to attaining peace through commitment to God’s will. Muslim Brotherhood, the most influential political organization in the Muslim world, has embraced radical ideologies by asserting that the Arab world is currently corrupted by Western influences. Modern Islamic extremist groups include Hamas, Hezbollah and Al-Qaeda. Islamic extremist has been triggered by the US occupation of Iraq, the globalization of the Western culture and the ongoing Palestinian-Israel conflicts where countries dominated by Christianity beliefs are suppo rting Israel in the occupation of the contested regions (James and Mason 40). Christian extremist groups also exist with the objective of using violence against members of other religions in order to transform the US to a biblical law government. Christian extremists groups have in the past used violence against citizens who live against the biblical teachings like gay people, pro-abortion groups and stem cell researchers. The goal of the Christian extremist groups is to impose their moral values in the US constitution and eventually create a â€Å"Christian America† that is ruled by Christianity beliefs and teachings. The aftermath of the Holocaust that claimed the lives of more than 6 million Jews led to the formation of Jewish religion extremist groups. The clash of cultures and faith between the extremist Muslims and extremist Christians has threatened the global peace since numerous terrorism attacks have been facilitated by the extremist groups. Islamic extremist groups have the objective of dismantling democratic governance and capitalist ideas and replace them with communist values. The return of the Palestinian State to Muslims and the total destruction of Israel is one of the objectives of religious extremism in the Israel-Palestinian crisis. Religious extremism is a part of the greater social problems experienced in the society. Historically, Islam religion was peaceful due to excellent living conditions and flourishing economies. Christians

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